Tuesday, 25 June 2013


There are many ads that Canadian Tire has shown us over the time on Tv. No doubt that they entertain us in manny ways

Traditionally, Canadian Tire ads featured Santa Claus and Ebenezer Scrooge arguing about Canadian Tire selection on their sales price which is the reason to do christmas shopping their involving the market slogan "Give like Santa, Save like Scrooge". Canada posts issued stamp commemorating Canadian Tire's 75 birthday anniversary based on Canadian Tire advertisement of a boy receiving his first bicycle which was purchased by his father at Canadian Tire retail store.

The company is one of the largest advertising company in Canada


Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Canadian Tire Financial serivices Limited

Canadian Tire Financial services Limited(CTFSL) is wholly owned subsidiary company of Canadian Tire corporation.  
It is primarily engaged in marketing and promotion Canadian Tire brand, financial products and services. CTFSL is the parent company of Canadian Tire Bank. The bank issues the Canadian Tire options of Master cards among other Credit cards with currently over 4 million account. The Master card option is accepted at 24 millions location worldwide.

It also offers Canada's oldest and most recognized loyalty program, Canadian Tire'Money' on the card. Canadian Tire bank also offers high interest saving tax accounts, tax free saving accounts and GIC and CTFSL operates the Canadian Tire roadside assistance program.


Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Principles of the company

Canadian Tire is one of the most respected and trusted brand of Canada. The company follows certain principles. According to the company CEO and Presidents Mr. Stephen G. Wetmore ' Canadian Tire is vibrant network of interrelated business. He laid down certain principles of the company.

The company values honest, integrity and respect.

The company appreciates the efforts of all employees and business partners.

The company promotes open communication and transparency.

The company is all accountable, innovative, team minded and community responsible.


Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Canadian Tire: The retail segmentation

As Canada's largest retailer, 90% of canadians lives within a 15 minutes of drive of canadian retail store. There are 487 stores across canada. The stores are each owned and operated by associate dealer. The building and land are owned or leased by company and everything inside the building, from fixtures to merchandise, is owned by dealer.

Since 2003 Canadian Tire converted the majority of its old traditional and new format stores, as well as built new stores making its most modern network in company. Currently the largest canadian retail store is located in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. In May 2011 Canadian Tire announced the purchase of Forzani group, a Canadian sporting goods retailer. The deal represents Canadian Tire's first major acquisition since it took over Mark's work warehouse a decade ago.
